university facing significant debt, disaffected alumni, and deep concern about James: Shermer's essential point is how do you distinguish charlatans from real miracles and the answer is well you weigh up the evidence and you look at the best explanation. We really appreciate your taking the time to come be on the podcast with us. He died of stomach cancer at a, I think what was he? It's all just ad hoc special pleading. "But my skepticism didn't go away.". Now you got to go work! It's a long story. James Fodor compares healing claims to homeopathy -- we have millions claiming an effect, and if we just counted those then we might be convinced that homeopathy was a real treatment. It's not just a few people. The latest breaking Christian news you need to know about as soon as it happens. Christian news 1789; testimonies 1151; evangelism & outreach 1070; missions 993; Top Featured 862; encouragement 743; Tags. Barbara is a director of KeyCorp and Progressive Corporation. well; Barbara is a perfect fit.. This last part is the reason we set up replication, controls, and other processes to minimize the effects of the limitations. This one is obviously ludicrous, but I think undermines the theists claims quite a lot. Nathan's point here is interesting, especially in light of the idea that the murderer example is not being used in the right place, that Elijah has this set of standard "tools" that he pulls out but doesn't seem to understand their use or limitations and is prone to misapply them. A document going through these particular medical statements with citations can be found here. The protocol also calls for multiple interventions if initial treatments are not effective essentially the subjects receive repeat treatments as long as possible until they report a response. Doesn't seem to be anything other than perhaps theology. God can heal us through exercise or just the things he's placed in our body. After you lace up your boots, hit the trail. perhaps a misdiagnosis of Stargardt's disease, and a gradual improvement for other reasons. I don't understand how it's possible for both those things to be true. He seems really swayed by anecdotal evidence in everything he's written or said, from my experience. This is a direct claim, that these miracles occur much more frequently in some groups (e.g. What are some of the things that just sort of blew your mind that you researched, heard about, read about, came into first hand contact with as you explored this subject. In principle I believed it, but I was questioning witnesses with kind of a skeptical approach to try to whittle away anything that wasn't necessarily accurate. So these are signs of the Kingdom, their foretaste of the Kingdom, but we're still longing for the day we're gonna see him face to face. in Old Testament from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a B.A.S. So things got delayed. Is he thinking (a strawman of) 100% of the time? Each of those people are in the same position as the boy Elijah speaks about and will certainly attribute a God-given miracle to their healing. of the members of the University Athletic Association are part of the AAU. They're meant to be signs of the Kingdom. I think, however, there is a selection bias here -- those people who have theological reasons to expect healings are more likely to broadcast what they consider to be healing events, while others for the same sorts of events will prefer more modest interpretations. Without further data, it is impossible to rule out these things, but you'd think the data would be available with something this recent? So what made you want to go in this direction? You should receieve a confirmation email shortly. Honestly, this mistake is primarily due to sloppy reporting -- if you are reporting a set of numbers in a study, especially if you are establishing a timeline of events, you need to make it clear when some numbers are not comparable. That said, before writing The Case for Miracles, Strobel was ambivalent about whether these miracles still happen today. Visit Pure Flix for access to thousands of faith and family friendly movies and TV shows. And it's all very well documented too. And then if so, then how do you account for that? And sometimes, well it's wonderful when God does it and when he doesn't we still know that we have that hope. So sometimes we don't see the outcome. On the one hand they use the excuse of "it's not replicable" when asked about how to test it, and on the other hand they want to also say that miracles are common -- more common than people realize. AfghanistanWhere Faith Is a Matter of Life and Death. Synder's miraculous healing , which unfolded more than 30 years ago, was apparently so shocking that even her doctors have written about her seemingly impossible medical . Certainly, Jesus gave a bright future to Barbara Snyder in 1981. The same thing occurs with UFO claims, homeopathy studies, and psychic abilities. Snyder ended up in hospice care with a no-resuscitation order; she was nearly blind, her hands and body were curled and she had a tube in her throat to help her breath as well as a tube in her stomach to ensure proper nourishment. If something is real, when we can more carefully observe it, it becomes easier to see not harder. After a year or two of investigation they finally concluded, and we have all of the medical documentation, that no, he had, the way they put it in their letter from the Social Security Administration, "You have received a remarkable return of your visual acuity, therefore, you are no longer qualified for disability." And again, the group that received prayer had better outcomes than the control group. (p. 127). Following her M.S. "So, we know that at least 450 Christians began praying for her, because they wrote letters saying, 'We're praying for you.'". If you want to, for our listeners, if you want to read a little bit more about it Craig's written a fairly lengthy book on the whole, the whole narrative of that called Impossible Love. She is the former president of Case Western Reserve University. Craig serves with me on the Board of Evangelical Theological Society. Since this is touted as one of the best, and one of only three papers ever seemingly cited when skeptics ask for evidence of miracles, is not impressive to say the least. By this point, she was almost blind and . an 18-year-old female lost the majority of her central vision over the course of three months in 1959 and was later diagnosed with juvenile macular degeneration (JMD). 2021 - All rights reserved. A particular response has now happened twice in an ongoing discussion about extraordinary claims, and I felt I needed to think about it more deeply. Scott Rae: When we meet the Lord face to face. He wasn't praying for healing of his physical vision, but when the Lord healed his mind, he opened his eyes and he could see. READ ALSO: Columbine Survivor's Powerful Lessons After Facing Terror. I had to work harder to get stuff from Latin America because a lot of it's in Spanish. This is incredibly compelling stuff. It still could fit James, Chapter Five or gifts of healings for those of us who believe in that. It's not biased to be skeptical. Dying M.S. As Nathan puts it, it's telling believers who doubt "stop those naughty thoughts." The theists seem unwilling to do the work and want a pass anyway. The trick is you have to dig a lot to get the actual facts of the matter, they don't typically present these to you like "here's the facts, and this is why we think it is a miracle" it's "the guy's intestine regrew" but that's not an established fact at all that's their interpretation of a certain set of facts. I want our listeners to be totally aware, Craig Keener, just the two volume entitled Miracles. They also make the claim that, for example, in Heidi Baker's ministry in Mozambique these healing happen "all the time" and are thus replicable. We have previously pointed out that the kind of coincidences you'd dismiss as bad writing if you saw them in a movie happen all the time in real life. 2023 Blaze Media LLC. It's part of the lowering of the standards of evidence. So the first part of the answer is sort of true but trivial and also not what they've been doing but then the second part contradicts that by saying "just assume that it's true anyway and start praying for people." Quoting myself here (from this post). The study mentioned by Strobel in the video above, and the one I mention in relation to healings of deafness and blindness and how it compares (very favorably) to hypnosis studies, The following is a section from Strobels book that references some of the gold standard scientific studies that show the effectiveness of prayer, which I briefly mentioned in the podcast. There are any examples of this, so see and as a couple. Craig Keener: Yeah, and part of it was inherited through my academic training. A prolific author, he has written numerous bible commentaries and other works in biblical studies, in addition to his 2 volume work, Miracles. Medical science has come a long way recognizing the fact that humans are easily fooled, they see patterns and agency where there isn't any good evidence, and biology is messy enough that uncertainty is always something to consider. These steps are in place to get at the truth, not to specifically put up barriers to rule out miracles. It is also correct to say that it depends on the prior probability of the claim, but it also depends on other desiderata of Jaynes, especially the ones dealing with consistency. Craig Keener: Yes. But there is another reason to study proximal prayer, which in this study meant physical laying on of hands, not just being near the subject. Sometimes running for their lives. The Association of American Universities (AAU), Fostering and Protecting Free Speech on Campus, Renew Investments in Vital Scientific Infrastructure, AAU Universities Battle the Opioid Crisis, Progress Toward Achieving Systemic Change, The Strategic Role of a National Organization. Of course, it's possible her sight was perfect and declined in the 2 years between the "healing" and the measurement which would call into question the miraculous nature. The Mayo Clinic had diagnosed Barbara with multiple sclerosis. You can see why these stories are powerful and you can see why people really get motivated by them nd so i think it is important to respond to them because of that. Well I shouldn't say everybody, but lots of people have love stories. He became a Christian in 1981 shortly after he decided to investigate Jesus . One miracle in particular stands out. it can be also given as a nice gift to your friends, relatives, boyfriend or girlfriend. And by teacher time it was 200 pages I decided okay, this needs to be a separate book. He encountered scores of healings and other claims of the miraculous along the way, but there was one case in particular that truly blew his mind: the case of Barbara Snyder. It's still healing. A bit of Bible, A bit of Life, A bit of Politics, Barbara Snyders healing from MS shockeddoctors,,,,,,,,,,,,, When his wife prayed, having been told that he was gone, the heart monitor "sprang back to life" and then the doctors were able to revive him. To mix them makes it much harder to determine what's going on. Bizarrely, her calves were inflated and her once-atrophied muscles worked again and thats not all. How is an epistemically responsible thing to do? To be charitable to Elijah's point, perhaps he's meaning that if you pray for someone yourself in an impossible situation and there is improvement, you can tell the difference between the fake and real miracle personally. We can also ask how the miracle believer handles the many cases where seemingly miraculous things happen and no reported prayer, with disapearing disease without treatment? It's not just about the priors, it's the fact that to be consistent, once you raise your prior for one sort of claim you're doing it for many others -- many claims that you probably don't want to accept. James points out that God seems to choose not to use all his abilities -- he could heal amputees, even while someone is in an MRI, but chooses note to. Done! The maternal mortality rate in childbirth is so much higher there. It's the same reason large careful studies aren't done -- they simply don't care enough, and are already believing, so why bother? Scott Rae: Yeah. I've written about this before about UFO claims, that they fall into two categories: There could potentially be a category 3 where the evidence does support the claim, but I have never seen it in any that I have personally investigated, either for UFO claims or for miracle claims. Intercessory prayer commences and one day he awakes to find his or her arm back on their body, intact. He is, let's just say he is one of the most prolific biblical scholars that I'm aware of and is so productive. It involves Barbara Snyder and took place nearly 30 years ago. Craig Keener: Yeah, she came on a fiance visa, which unfortunately took a bit longer than it should have because by the time we finally made up our minds to get together 9/11 happened right when we were getting ready to send the materials in. But anyway, all healing is temporary because sooner or later we're gonna die unless the Lord comes back before then. Craig Keener: Well if you ask me what motivated me to write a 1000 page book on miracles I could say nothing because I wasn't planning to do it initially, but it was certainly one of the most enjoyable projects I've worked on. In secular circles, well on the Internet at least, Atheists came out with critiques of it right away. This is totally expected on naturalism, but not expected under theism. Earlier in her career, she served as provost of Ohio State University. It's not enough to be given the treatment and see an improvement afterward. And her hands had been curled up so much that every few months they had to uncurl her hands to get the dead skin out. We average between 2 and 3 posts a day. She was born on April 10, 1930 in Beverly, MA, a daughter of John A. and Irene (Walsh) Burns. Some of them, some of the critiques were based on an interview with me that was published in Christianity Today, rather than the book itself. We make a mistake in the episode here about corrected vs uncorrected vision measurements. Thinking about the Snyder "miracle", I do wonder why in these cases there isn't much more extensive medical documentation? President Barbara R. Snyder announced today that she will become the next leader of the organization that represents the 63 leading research universities in the U.S., as well as two in Canada. I, sometimes I'll joke it's obvious looking at me that healing doesn't always happen. In all of human history there has never been one single credible and fully verified miracle cure. I doubt Keener has tried to actually get this done beyond the anecdotal level. The first question is, are there real miracles that get recorded on video. end of the fall 2020 semester. It's here for completeness, even though there isn't much more we can say. That fact alone is strong evidence that miracles are not real. Here is her story. because her twin didn't have it, it makes the original diagnosis questionable, the technology at the time is cited to be suboptimal in the paper, we can't tie the prayer specifically to the timeline, because of expectation effects and placebo effects, so causation is in doubt, she had a genuine improvement, but we have to ask which is more plausible, that there was a misdiagnosis (with the extra point about the twin sister) or the miracle played out in that way. Despite several operations and treatments, Barbara continued to deteriorate to the point that she was put into respite with doctors orders not to resuscitate. After his conversion, Lee worked briefly as a pastor before moving into an apologetics ministry focusing on writing and video productions. Snyder, who became president of Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) in July 2007, will join the Association of American Universities (AAU) by the end . randomized controlled studies, well considered controls, etc) to avoid these confounders. "Barbara Snyder was diagnosed at the Mayo Clinic with multiple sclerosis. We know better now, and we often know what the minimum amount of data is to justify a particular claim. And now she has a Masters degree from the seminary in Cameroon. What is missing are the controls -- how often does the "treatment" happen and there is no effect, and how often is there an effect but no treatment. In my discussion with Jonathan McLatchie on the Still Unbelievable podcast, I said that there hasnt been a verified miracle claim even since Humes essay on miracles. Thus we will more often hear from the healing crowd. What happens if you don't have randomized-controlled studies in medicine? Now, Strobel, whose personal story was told through the Pure Flix feature film, book and documentary titled The Case for Christ, has released, The Case for Miracles, a new investigative book that relies on facts, interviews and studies to further explore spiritual matters. Share it with a friend. "To this day.". The precise timing of Snyders Not at all, given that all of the facts of his case fall within the known bounds of what is possible and observed, even if rare. What would happen if two people out in space a few meters apart, abandoned by their spacecraft, decided to wait until gravity pulled them together? The analogy breaks down here because of a difference of information (we have some context for prayer but none in the analogy) and it seems out of place. Here PhD is in history. This is where they burn child witches," and stuff like that. I could show you cases of arms growing back theoretically speaking and you would not believe it you would come up with natural explanations. Now we move on to a video with Sean McDowell interviewing Craig Keener called Latest Evidence for Modern Miracles. It involves Barbara Snyder and took place nearly 30 years ago. Knowledge falls on a continuum. You look at the seven churches of Asia in the Book of Revelation. Previously, she has served as chair of the board of directors of the American Council on Education, chair of the board of directors at the Business-Higher Education Forum, vice chair of the board of trustees of Internet2, a member of the board of directors of the Greater Cleveland Partnership, a member of the board of directors of Jobs Ohio, a trustee ofUniversity Circle Inc., and a member of the Ohio Business Roundtable. James: can we just make it a thing to always mention that like although it's not that popular these days that deism or non-interventionist form of theism are a thing like you can totally believe in god and still not be okay with miracles? And sometimes there's also a catch-22 because after so many years the medical documentation has been discarded. Scott Rae: Because I mean by any medical definition she had died. But in this case, he had to have the medical documentation be he'd been on disability. And, in fact, one doctor described her as being one of the most hopelessly ill patients he'd ever encountered.". "Barbara Snyder was diagnosed at the Mayo Clinic with multiple sclerosis. It also includes the audio recording of Duane Miller, Contains an interview with Bruce Van Natta, the mechanic I referenced who lost most of his small intestines in an accident and was later healed. [] these things actually do tend to happen in certain circles more than more than in others and that's why for me it would be hard for me to see it as a is a coincidence. This shows a profound lack of imagination on the part of the investigators, and I think shows their hand. What do atheists think of Barbara Snyder, who was healed of all her symptoms and all her illness to the point where 31 years later she's completely healthy? Justin: why do you feel sympathetic to the view that what they're finding is evidence for supernatural healing rather than just extraordinary somewhat unexplained events ? Scott Rae: Yeah, see that's the big miracle that's coming. Stories of recalled past memories from past lives only occurs within religions that support reincarnation. I use some basic principles. But God often heals us here and yet when he does it we don't always recognize that it is God because of our world view here. As she listened, she said that she heard a male voice coming from the corner of the room a voice she now believes was God. He has served in a variety of teaching and leadership roles, including a term as president of the Evangelical Theological Society in 2015. CT Patterns of Lung Disease, Dr.. Even her muscles were unatrophied. Author and evangelist Lee Strobel was once an atheist who served as the legal affairs editor for the Chicago Tribune before embarking on a quest to try and disprove Christianity an effort that ironically led him to embrace faith. We see this with homeopathy, where well-controlled studies are negative and then dismissed because treatments were not individualized. Recently, there was some data indicating possibly faster-than-light neutrinos. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. That's a gift from God." So as you've cataloged these different stories and different accounts, what's been the sort of the breath of the geography that's been involved? But if it hasn't been after so many years people say, "Ah, it might just be temporary.". Partly, because we are human and have many biases. It was a prospective, randomized, double-blinded, controlled study of four hundred subjects. It's amazing that this kind of study convinces anyone -- it violates pretty much every rule of good medicine with its multiple selection biases, lack of blinding, and lack of controls. Here are two examples from my life where I was skeptical of an extraordinary claim, one where it turned out my perspective was correct and the other not. He says, he's going back to these passages about the coming of the [inaudible] and saying, "John, these are signs of the Kingdom right now." She did it. I don't think "I don't know" should be your default position unless that's really where you fall and so what I encourage people to do is read all sides, make an inference to the best explanation and go "this is what i think is most likely the case". And then I said "In Jesus's name, Amen" and so we moved on. Scott Rae: And then she made it safely to the U.S. and then you were reunited again. It was really the miracle of the resurrection and the historical evidence for that that ended up bringing me to faith many years ago, Strobel told Pure Flix Insider and The Billy Hallowell Podcast. But my skepticism didn't go away.. A blessing to the rest of the Body of Christ. Then he was prayed for and was instantly healed, could eat, and have his tubes removed. Barbara Snyder, JD'80, is president of the Association of American Universities (AAU), an organization composed of America's leading research universities. Craig Keener: Thanks so much for having me Scott. achievements during Snyders tenure include: Association of American Universities (AAU), Maltz Center donors, performers celebrate Phase II, School of Medicine graduate program information tabling event, Summer study abroad with CWRU faculty information session, New study reveals ketamine could be effective treatment for cocaine-use disorders, Get to know members of the National Pan-Hellenic Council at CWRU: Week 3, Begun with a $1 billion goal, it ultimately raised. This is a very important fact to grasp, so let me repeat it. Likewise, Americans are quite prone to believing in the potential occurrence of miracles. Ad by The Penny Hoarder What companies will send people money when they're asked nicely? Converted to Pelican theme by Brian Blais. She's on her deathbed,'" Strobel explained. So for example, if I just say oh well there was spontaneous remission you could say that's implausible given our medical knowledge but it's going to be very hard to establish that that's actually like impossible, to definitively rule it out and so the question of which is a more plausible explanation and not can you rule it out. I don't believe Barbara Snyder was cured by the intervention of some agent outside the natural world. We only have the stories. I mean these were mainstream Evangelical Christians and anyway, some of the critiques, and actually some of the praises from the Christians showed that they hadn't actually read the book either. Author and evangelist Lee Strobel was once an atheist who served as the legal affairs editor for the Chicago Tribune before embarking on a quest to try and disprove Christianityan effort that ironically led him to embrace faith. At the beginning I didn't find all that. in social ethics from the University of Southern California, a Th.M. So if I'm dealing with historic, historiographic questions, historical reliability questions, I needed to deal with the issue of whether these kinds of things could happen. Barbara Cummiskey Snyder is on Facebook. Some were tested in persecution. The story is of a person who was paralyzed from the waist down due to a car accident and 22 years later they were prayed for and healed. I mean there was one person, it was so crazy. What really annoys me is when they say "I could show you cases of arms growing back theoretically speaking and you would not believe it" when the best evidence they have barely rises to the level of being interesting, let alone something amazing like this. This pretty much summarizes the problems with this study. Indianapolis, Indiana. It completely defies what is possible by any naturalistic means. And you just Well that was one of the reasons people argued against their reliability. False reporting? I mean it's only a fraction of what's out there, but there was a Pew Forum Study done in, I think, 2006 of Pentecostals and Charismatics in 10 countries that concluded Well if you look at the percentages of Pentecostals and Charismatics who claimed to have witnessed divine healing and then the hard numbers of those in those countries, it comes out to somewhere around 200 million people in those 10 countries alone, who claim to have witnessed are experienced divine healing. The outcome was either a change in vision or hearing. Further, Nathan points out the problem is that Elijah needs to actually tell us some some epistemic story about what it is that puts people who pray in a position to know that God is the cause of the miracle happening. At a minimum, one has to. To this day.. Thinking about the Snyder "miracle", I do wonder why in these cases there isn't much more extensive medical documentation? You can received notifications daily or weekly. Because God told him the coming one was going to baptize in fire. It is for these sorts of problems that randomized controlled studies are developed and are necessary to distinguish effect from non-effect. Here's where consistency comes in and the desiderata of Jaynes. They want the positive results and the authority that comes from the scientific enterprise, yet they aren't willing to put in the real work to earn that authority. Healings, casting out spirits, nature miracles in Mark and so on. Meanwhile, her muscles were atrophied. You don't understand why it happens to this person and not to that person. He has a Ph.D. and M.A. The blind will see. She worked as a teacher's aide for Headstart and was a member of St. Mary's Church in Elmira, NY. And as a Christian I naturally did believe in miracles. He already was on disability for this. February 4, 2019 8. No one in medicine evaluates the effectiveness of a treatment from case studies alone, or even primarily due to case studies. 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