their spirit and soul are kept and taking care of, the Head The Hereafter is a reality that will make manifest all things to everyone. hi again wang. All our original DNA is safe in Jesus. Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. The Body of Christ which is The Church are still specific pairs of chromosomes that exist in the nucleus (2). tell me Melanie what will he say to all of the phido priests that he has preaching his bible in his churches, Let It Be. In fact he doesnt need the belief of any of us. Your sister in Christ, judi. This scripture takes on new meaning. Author Topic: Jesus' Blood Analysis, Only 24 Chromosomes (Read 2767 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. The shroud first surfaced in medieval France. only the sacred ancient text of orthodox judaism hassidic priest aramaic dead sea scrolls holly bible and essenians cave sect explain the unexplained only father and holy spirit can reveal this secret 2000 years ago in the talmudic scriptures the book of ezra the davids psalms the qumran coran muslims moses the book of enoch the sabbath the jewish bible the jewis ancient zodiac the star of david the lord our savior of the world jesus yeshus massiach the new jerusalem of gold the menorah the book of acts apostles the book of revelation only god knows all the things is a rarelly mistery of the world both christian and hebrews israelites and jews askenazyc ahd sephradic and al aqsa mosque in yerushalaiym mecca and medina jezreel medinat . Please read Raels encounter with Jehova and then discover that the God you have faith in states with certainty that he does not possess a soul and has been looking for his maker for 2 million years. Adams DNA, please, published more the likes of dna and we as person now. I hope this helps, this is a very good question and and interesting point of study. Thats what logic would tell me. Thank you for your interest in the things of God. Jul 18, 2016 - The Ark of the Covenant was found in a cave, 20 feet below where Jesus was crucified. Normal human blood has a total of 46 chromosomes. You must break down all walls in order to see science, God and the Truths of The Universe clearly! Siraatal ladheena an amta alaihim They all carry the same Haplogroup. Two chromosomes in human DNA have been "fused" by some sort of process we don't yet understand. Why is this claim not reliable? ( John 10:34.35 ). We needed the law, we could not keep, to understand why we needed Jesus life laid down to bridge the gap between sinful man and righteous God. Actually, the DNA of Christ was found by Ron Wyatt and tested in Israel. You are non sense because you are nothing! And for just another information. just a bit of wiscont Eventually you will choose a course that you will follow, to stay on a wide path that leads to your destruction, or a narrower path that leads to salvation. So, this is very interesting. You want all you genes wound properly with the right chemicals bound to them. Therefore the work of YESHUA not only allowed him to be always spiritually connected to His Father but overcome the death curse. The article was just another unfounded interpretation of the the bible. Therefore he could have created the earth as old as he wanted it6000 yrs or a million yrs I had a professor ask me this question, how do you explain science showing the earth to be millions of years old and the Bible showing it to be around 6000 yrs old ? There is human biased speculation and then there is teaching from the Holy Spirit who teaches us all things. I question the genetic lineage in the bible connecting Christ to David. Our flesh and blood will not enter the kingdom of God because it is not perfect, it is polluted with mutations due to sin. Words of God are very very powerful and amazing but your struggle is perfect. It seems you are very angry which is a heavy load to bear. JESUS'S BLOOD: The Astonishing DNA Analysis of Jesus Christ - Jesus Had Twenty Four Chromosomes . The Church itself You would know this if you were a horned again Christmas and received the holly ghost. Not only so, but at various other sites . I am sorry, I am a lost soul full of hatred. A simple proof can be seen in John 20:22, where Jesus blew the Holy Spirit (Gods Spirit) onto His disciple. juses is a human like others.. adam was created from dust . Because the HS created an entire new cell, like in Adams case. If you look at a mother she is generally very nurturing, caring. However, merging DNA from the Holy Spirit with marys DNA is not how the first Adam was generated, so why must it be this way with the 2nd Adam? Adam was created in the image of God (Jesus). His church but mans church is messed up, According to the Koran (((like Jesus with God is like Adam, He created him from dust, then said to him, Be))) So Jesus and Adam humans, both of the same as the original two inflatable .. God bless you all! His response (paraphrased), I have to make money somehow. I strongly urge you to not use Wyatts material and if you have published anything on line, you should take it down and perhaps apologize for putting out unreliable material. When a child is conceived, 23 chromosomes come from the mother (all of these are "X" chromosomes), and 23 come from the father. Like atoms that are similar, and can bond together to form an element large enough to see, or sized of one atom, it is the same element. Agree!! Ive seen the ancient alien theories for Discovery or Nat Geo. Mankinds Odyssey, as we can view through history, is an evolution where-in shedding of our animalism and acquisition of humanism (forgive me for coining the two phrases), seems to be programmed over an undefined span of TIME.. unraveling the Beginning and the End . GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR CHURCH . in time of our life, who we are? We, being part of the Body of Christ, died with Him. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David. The 23rd pair, the sex chromosomes, differ between males and females. To Know God is to Receive Hope: Help us Spread the Message The miracle of life rests in the heart and mind of our God, who is the only one that understands the how things evolved. They cant give what they dont have and cant see beyond where they are unless they taught and broken by God for is usefulness but i pray for salvation upon their lives so they dont perish in hell .God bless you all..AMEN. the infinitely Compassionate and Merciful. We are created by God because we have a specific purpose in life. Best wishes and God Bless. someone has to stand against this lie that is taking over the world., Mark, HE ALLOWS EVENTS TO HAPPEN OR NOT HAPPEN. As I know that DNA relates to body developement(physical) matters. I am not afraid of the truth, I love it; and Enoch was an interesting character in the Bible, but that doesnt mean that he wrote the book of Enoch.. 1:3, Luke 3:33). In Isaiah 44:6, the LORD (Yahweh) refers to himself as the First and the Last. what is true and what is mass-media marketing by religions. Gene pictures are totally different genes are an alphabet they say different things, they are also of a long-lasting substance, it is as different that Jesus was a man and so was a sinner. SPIRIT + SOUL + BODY = HUMAN He has done this again and again. v/r Steve Passage. It says that. In other words, you, me and all others including all forms of life as we get to discern, are HIS Expression regardless of gender, size or form free from the encumbrance of sex, physique or time. Twenty-four is also the number of chromosomes a worm has. What He did, we did. In my opinion, this is how you provide the best possible environment for your epigenetics. As a person of faith (Muslim) to you people of faith, my only advice is to open ur eyes and do ur research regarding ur faith. Greatness is a human measure; its spread relates to the mass of humanity SERVED. first.trinityDNA..mutation..Brahma,siva,visnu .with.mutated.Adam..image!!!so..HinduprayedtoGod..image(Brahma,Siva,.visnu).idols..worship,thensecondtrinity..Father,Jesus,Ghost(holy)sochristianmake..theiridolJesus..onthe.cross.WillGod..make..another..trimorthy????YesDNA!!!!!Pseudo..Sciences!!! Why do modern omit Enochs book as part of the bible? Earthly churches is under the devil rulership whithout them even knowing it. I said, You are gods, And all of you are sons of the Most High. John 1:14 And the Word became flesh . However, later in His ministry He took on all the sins of the world. The Quran is most eloquent, most precise and concise with regard to encompassing and explaining all phenomenon. Google it and you will see how it works. issues. We are not powerful and we are not smart, but have found that the Bible, not religion, is true, absolutely, all the time and we love to dwell in it and love to talk about it. The Ark Of The Covenant Unique blood of Jesus Christ, with only 24 chromosomes According to the lectures given by Ron Wyatt, the blood that he discovered and had analysed had only 24 chromosomes. Please go to and click on Jesus gender and original sin. Ron Wyatt discussed chromosome count in 'blood' sample and impact of archaeological discoveries. Everything Jesus does is ethical. Gods love is an element we can see in all the world around us. We do have the divine nature, but we also have the sin nature, so the battle continues. AND HE WAS FORETOLD BY PROPHETS, BY ISAIH, VIRGIN SHALL CONCEIVE AND BEAR A CHILD HIS NAME SHALL BE CALLED IMMANUEL(GOD WITH US)..HIS MENU OF FOOD WAS FORETOLD, HE WILL EAT BUTTER AND HONEY. every man pray for god,bible reading is very important in my life. (2) Where did mass and energy come from? No, Jesus was the son of God. i just need an understanding of your heart that science also can explain today. THIS STATEMENT FROM OLD TESTAMENT OF BIBLE PROVES JESUS IS GOD I have read the writings of Enoch and agree with the Hebrew scholars: it should not be in the Bible. easilyso he choose the right term and right wordlike God did to Moses. Even if John The Baptists DNA was available it wouldnt match the Shroud. my brother God have mercy in you. All rights reserved. If all else fails, watch the debates of Sheikh Ahmed Deedat on the topic on Youtube. HE loves us unconditionally to want us to be with HIM for all eternity. These disciples would most certainly. in Gods image?are all of these manmade-things on earth r of the devil to be away from spiritual things? The first from the line of David to be chosen to fulfill this prophecy was Solomon. I am a saved Christian and I am studying the word of God in the holy bible. Did Jesus claim to be God? Why dont people use their common sense and think critically as they read the Bible.These Christians have been putting one over everybody. 14 I will be his father, and he will be my son. Down to where the Roman soldiers gambled for his clothes. In human being physical body, life and spirit. Logically, you cant believe in something only to turn around and use that very something to refute itself! It will blow you away! Biblical Scripture states that Jesus is the Son of God. DNA may be thought provoking, but I have no reason to doubt that life evolved as it should have, according to the scriptures. if we all carry the same dna which jesus had then why are we so different? 18:2-4) In other words, you have to have childlike faith. wang this is for your question about God in the bible if so why are we arguing about jesus DNA. Jesus actually shared his DNA with Adam. Your response? U said man made the laws. RESURRECTION: Blood of the Father, Search for the Son. This is a smart article, analyzing the relationship of the first Adam and the Last, while quoting Bible verses to support the teaching. Bible is the book of god but people have changed it for thier benefits,now we can say that it is not in original shap when ever it was reveled. I think this will also be true in the millennium. If Jesus is the son of God, then for sure he would have the DNA resembling that of gods. this is not non sense ,this is about truth.and as it says in the holly bible [jn 8:32 then you will know the truth,and the truth will set you free]. So the Holy Spirit had to have inseminated a virginal Mary with the \"Y\" chromosome of the one true almighty G-d of Abraham. So, I think this adds a little depth and is in agreement with all the other scriptures: we are not independent gods, but we are in Christ and we are children of God. In truth, youre not sure of this at all I say this because if you were sure, then you wouldnt have used Scripture to validate your opinion, only to turn around and contradict the truth of the very Scripture you have used in which to state your case. God is God, not someone you can put limitations on he created the dog , the cat , the elephant but he did not have the traits of those animals .. Our minds are too feeble to try to explain God or limit his powers ! He was the lamb of God, the son of Man, the unblemished sacrifice, the Son of God and He was the Last Adam. All of these attributes could only be possible through the conception of the Holy Spirit. Will we know we have accessed it or is it all on faith the whole way? All creation is a tangible indication that the Bible is very true true and not just self-proved. Here are just a few: Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. But we yet are pitifully unknowledgeable relative to the knowledge contained in the scriptures. Journal: Missionary Teaching Trip to Ghana, Liberia, Cote dIvoire and Senegal by Dr. John Oakes. Whether by an individual or a group. (4) How did life start on this planet? Psalms 103.8 The sad thing about people saying they are Jesus, or that Jesus is coming at such time, and to sell it all, dont pay the bills because there is no tomorrow. John 17:23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me. Lest we forget, its just 2000 year old hearsay thats been translated a whack load of times. 27 febrero, 2023 . Therefore, the Holy Spirit had to provide the Y-chromosome, and it had to be a special Y-chromosome. I have known people who think they are independent gods and went astray. God cannot be proved nor disproved by science,in my understanding. I believe, did not receive any genetic contribution from Mary. 9 You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potters vessel. 10 Now therefore, be wise, O kings; Be instructed, you judges of the earth. We were born of the flesh (from Adams seeds) and we must be born again (From the Spirit). They found 24 X chromosomes by His mother and only 1 Y chromosome from the Father. Do some research, find the truth, break free from the Satanic system of the Vatican which has deliberately misguided & led astray the Christians for hundreds of years. We Christians rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit to keep us out of trouble and teach us all things. Mark 16:17-18 According to your Quran, Isa (Jesus) is alive in Heaven. As recently as 2009, researchers discredited the Shroud of Turin by claiming they'd found Jesus' "real" burial cloth. i assume like this>>>> So, here we have it: there is a battle between the mutated gene and the cancer suppressing genes. You put your salvation on stake while relying on Books, but not on a living Person. My bible study friends think that I am too questioning. Also, I saw a recent you tube channel which also concluded Jesus blood is still alive. If Jesus blood is necessary for forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22), then how is Johns baptism for the forgiveness of sins? Now God himself came and shown the DIVINE NATURE OF ALMIGHTY THEREFORE SCIENCE HAS DEFINED DNA TO SHOW HUMAN GENOME WHICH IS STILL 98% IS UNKNOWN ONLY 1.5% IS RECORDED .THEREFORE THE REAL TRUTH IS REVEALED IN CHRIST WHICH IS 100% MANIFESTED IN CHRIST DIVINE NATURE OF ALMIGHTY. But, if we are right, and your way is wrong, you stand to lose an eternity of heaven, for an eternity of hell. The Sudarium of Oviedo, or Shroud of Oviedo. This video is audio of a press conference with archaeologist Ron Wyatt. 133. to the the thinking and a capacity to handle of the human amen brother jesus is god Actually, the word son is not in the original, so it would be legitimate to supply either son or son-in-law in this context. Scientifically speaking Adam had only the male chromosome because he had no mother, Jesus has only the female chromosome because he has no father and that can be proven when he returns to earth in the end of time. He was not conceived without sperm. The Holy Spirit is very able to reproduce the Word since He is the Spirit of God. Suggested Additional Reading: We are also descended from Mohammed, the Royal house of Jordon, and the Royal House of Saud. Without the real God on you, you are nothing!!! Epigenetics is driven by our environment. Careless readers may get misled by the fine presentation, but (I am sorry) I have to straighten one thing: The Bible never mentioned DNA in all of its records, instead, the Bible, especially Lord Jesus, in most of His services based his actions and teaching in Spiritual terms. in the Beginning , G-D Create HEAVEN, EARTH ..create means He speaks things exist..let there be light and there was lighttherefore he speaks to Mary and when she accepted the message she pregnant.her acceptance pregnant her for bearing the SON of G-D. if you more I can tell you more..I Know this G-D well , this G-D is mine he informed me many things if some one question to much thats ok cos they do not know this G-D of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.God Bless AMEN, Would like for you to simplify. A lost soul full of hatred YESHUA not only allowed him to be a special Y-chromosome you would this... Bible study friends think that i am too questioning contribution from Mary only so, not. 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