Lena had introduced it to her when she hosted a family game night, and the next time it was Alexs turn to host, she found a half-empty bottle on her own bar cart. We just have to show them. Be quiet, she responded, and burst into the sky. Her emotions were twisted. I thought I saw him. He wonders if she still uses it, and then applies it to his own lips. Kara throws it gently in the box. Or at least, trying to date. And there would be no going back if Kara tried that. Oh, trust me. With the presidents eyes on him, he gives a small wave, then ducks back behind his screen. You told us to be quiet, he responds, hugging her again. It was because you missed Mon-El.. Never change from being a good man, please. With that, Alexs weapon bursts into the sky and returns to the DEO. You guys are such dorks.. Trying to push my feelings aside but they are stronger than me. She spots a digital diagram of herself, anatomically positioned with her vitals on the side. When Kara would become too overwhelmed with everything and have to take a break. So as the gun levels on Kara, the hero musters every last ounce of strength she has and lunges at them, scooping them up into her arms and flying them to the very top of L-Corp. She manages to set them down on their feet, but her flight gives out on her as she tries to right herself, sending her sliding across the gravel roof and colliding with the entry door. Sorry. Kara rejects him and he goes on a lunch date with Eve Tessmacher. Tell Clark that I hope his little boy grows up to be exactly like him, and that he knows I didnt die scared or a hero, I died someone who had lived. A tear slips down her cheek, knowing she will not be able to see Clarks little boy grow up to be a man. And she will continue holding on as long as she needs. She wouldnt., Mxy grimaces, feeling sorry. Im going to see you at Catco in a few hours if Im not asleep at my desk, that is.. I dont know, he starts. What did you do? Alex yells at her. I need to make it right., Kara takes off her glasses, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. He is very skilled, her mother says, pinching the fabric on her sleeve. She isnt afraid to die. While searching a database to find out what happened to his beloved Kara, he sees an article that freaks him out. Im here, Kara whispers. And you dont know how hard it was to keep myself a secret from you. Itll ruin you. She laughs, compressed by his weight and warmth and happiness. Alex places a hand on the side of Karas head. Hes doing great. Mon-El rushes to Imra and they kiss, Mon-El says that she is his wife. These people loved just like her because they learned from her. Lena shakes her head, and Kara comes to a realization. But after I thought about it for a while, looked at it from Karas point of view, I realized why she did it. Eu falei com o Mon-El e a Sophie . They cant. Would he want an empty bottle? I dont need you doing Karas favors, Lena says, pointing to the door. And you told me I had a God complex, Kara teases. Nobody knew him. Its rubber, light-weight, and malleable. Inside the building, Kara stands in the middle of the room. Im not mad, James. He takes the towel away from his face and looks at Kara. Kara stares at her, clenching her jaw, knowing where her next fist is going to fly. You both are so important to her. Until she got a call from Winn. Alex lets out a laugh, stroking Karas head. The only reason Lex got as far as he did was because Superman was too busy being the hero when he shouldve been the friend. Kara wakes with her cheek pressed against Mon-Els bare chest. Kara Danvers was just shot in the abdomen and is losing a lot of blood. Alex Kara starts, then stops as quickly as she says it. By saying it, it brings an image of him to her mind. He knew he was hurting her. Shes still holding his hand. Go through the interaction. But that one flaw carried more weight than anyone knew, and the wedding was called off. And, look, Mon-El is used to the idea of political, arranged marriages. They would figure it out together, just like they always did. So, if you were going to try and sympathize with her about how similar you two are, Id think twice., Kara huffs, hating how he guessed her intentions so accurately. Theyre hardly broken in since youre never in them for very long, and you walk slightly tilted with them because of it. Im sorry, but I cant take any chances., Kara nods, then rushes to her bed, falling to her knees beside Mon-El. Weve both moved on., Cat stays quiet for a moment, pondering it. I asked if you were still in love, Alura says smartly. He also tells Kara that where ever he goes hell be a better person because of her. She had never thought shed see him again. The caliber on that thing!. You say you loved me, and that may have been true, but not anymore.. I didnt want to fight you on something that is none of my business., Kara smiles, looking up at her. Has he put you on the bench? I admit a lot of you has changed, but we cant become a completely different person when we get older. Then, collecting her thoughts and emotions, she puts on a blank mask and walks purposefully around the back of the DEO. And Lena, Kara continues, how all this is affecting her.. Tears were filling her eyes, and she couldnt help but immediately put all of Lenas words and betrayal on her shoulders and take it as her own. So, what do you want me to do?, Alex pauses for a moment as she grabs a large roll of gauze and medical tape from a tray. But not until Kara wakes up. It was the first time I had ever wanted to kill someone.. Kara didnt know who it would be yet. He continues to squirm on the ground, acting as if he is struggling to get up. This is Mxy. Right now, there is no wife. Are you drunk?. He lied to give himself a better future. An empty warehouse. This place wasnt a battle. She copies Lenas stance and closes her eyes, never bothering to look over at her. I guess, I can help you bring them down?. Never apologize for that, she smiles. You think thats dreamy?, He raises his hand, poised and ready to snap his fingers. The chance to do it all over if you could. The building looks less than a house and more of a run down heap of wood planks stacked together. Showed me footage of Kara Danvers with superpowers. Kara nods. Youre right, he says, nodding. This plan was foiled by Kara, Alex, President Olivia Marsdin, Cat, Lillian Luthor and the original Hank Henshaw. When she first left, Alex figured it would last a day, at most. Ruby's favorite soccer player is defiantly Lena's now. See, you shouldve led with that. He sits up, swinging his legs over the table and cringing. She wanted this so badly. Of course. You will train new heroes to replace me, better ones. He takes a step back into the hall and closes his eyes, whisking himself away from the apartment. I know it isnt. She walks over to her bar cart, pouring two glasses of their favorite whiskey. The team didnt know when Kara would return to them. Well, obviously Alex is pregnant. All Im sure of is that I never stopped loving you. Hey, buddy, she greets, crouching and helping him up. Well, Alex starts, Id first start off with getting Winns spit off your face. She looks around the room and waves off all the doctors. Karas fists were now clenched, her nails digging into her palms so hard they were embedded in her. That time when I was poisoned and I was taken to the DEO it was you, wasnt it? Why am I even having this conversation with you? She yanked the door open and closed her eyes, wincing. It wasnt all bad. When she arrives, she has to take a moment to figure out a clear spot to land. I don't know if . Her mind worked in very mysterious ways, it was hard to follow her. Shall I continue? Alex and the rest of the team werent so sure. James takes the opportunity to come around the gurney, shoving Winn out of the scene. One half of the Supers. I wanted to check in on you.. And Im sorry I hadnt recognized you in all this time. You dont get to leave. You stay alive, you live! The fuzzy socks hed pet as they laid on the couch. Why? Jonn asks, his voice growing angry. Thats impossible, Kara whispers, shaking her head. He did it to protect her. I didnt use my powers for that, I acted like a human. Her hand drops. Kara and Alex both turn, their eyes locking on Lena. Relatives, friends, loved ones were all gone. He makes the selfless sacrifice to fulfill his role as a Legionnaire and return back with Imra. She presses her hands to the wound on Karas chest, desperately trying to keep the blood in. Lena quickly sits up, downing whats left of her whiskey and placing the glass gently in her wastebasket. Yeah, that. Bitter tears over you weeks before. Those bitter tears almost come back to Lena, but she clenches her jaw, willing them to stay inside her eyes. Is he going to be her protector or the man that will eventually break her heart? He stands, returning to her room to dress. No family remained. Her other hand lays on her forehead, middle finger on one temple and thumb on the other, applying slight pressure. And L-Corp. Whats up with that?, Oh, whats up with their lack of products? Kara Zor-El But after a tragedy that. Once you speak your mind the frequency evaporates-, And they cant get inside my head anymore, I know. She sighs, shaking her head and then begins. He obeys, slipping off his socks and shoes and putting them in the car. Alex tapes up the gauze, stepping away and putting frustrated hands on her hips. Her stomach flipped, and Kara knew he would be invited to plenty more game nights. Ive known you for some time, now. Lena was wide awake, a heavy weapon in her hand as she stands above Kara. He watches them both carefully, then his gaze flips to Kara. He cautiously edges toward it, his eyes narrowing when he sees the dark interior. All members of the team had earpieces on the same private network, courtesy of Alexs stealthy swipe from the DEO. Alex takes a sip quickly, trying to ease her mind, and nestles the glass in her lap. Okay, relax, relax, Alex soothes, nodding. Alex Director Danvers Had detained her after she interfered with one too many DEO crime scenes, not abiding her contract of keeping away from the agency. Thank you, Antonio, William smiles, giving a wave before leading her back out of the kitchen. Okay, Kara. She wasnt used to seeing Supergirl not super. Same goes for the doppel. After the date for the press conference had been sent to the publishing companies, Kara messaged her directly, asking for a meeting to get an insider scoop. And we arent going to give up on you until then, either.. Kara uncaps it and walks further into the DEO, sipping. She takes Karas hands and pulls her off the stool, leading her over to the couch. Is this where we need to go?, The coordinate lines run along the edges of the map and she follows them, using her fingers to find the exact point at which the longitude and latitude meet. Lena gasps a cry, wanting to take it all back but also wanting to punch the woman she loves in the face. There was a man inside, my age. Lena is taking us to the DEO now, have everything ready for us., There is a pause on the other end of his line and James waits for him to speak. How dare you say no to me!. She calmly raises her hands, standing and backing away. Lena starts to cry again, not realizing she had any tears left, and begins to blabber to her friend all her apologies. Im gonna find a training room.. I am not like him., How? Kara asks, being blown by her own imaginary wind. He bought me time to get as far away as possible. She turns to Alex. That she was okay., Alex shrugs. I thought the idea was perfect. Or, foot, she corrects, raising her heel slightly. And definitely a story I need to hear, Kate says, and Kara nods. Lex shakes his head, frustrated. He left National City, didnt he?, Yes. When Cadmus was stealing aliens from Earth to turn them into slaves, Alex was aboard the ship that was on a course to space, never to be seen of again. Alex stands, a blank expression on her face. He pulls back, slouching in his chair. She was angry, but why go this far? But this time itll stick.. Why couldnt I have just been truthful with her from the start? She was really out of it when you guys came back., Yeah, I know. She becomes Marley Rose at 15. The man sighs, closing his eyes and nodding. People would pick on her because she was weak. Kara turns around, taking a deep breath, and walks back into the light of the DEO, returning to the roundtable and the rest of the heroes. On top of all of that, another challenge lies ahead too, when what should be a routine doctor's visit sets off a chain of events that threatens to tear the Wilkins family apart for good, and challenges Jack's entire identity and sense of self. Shoot me, Lena. Its so cold, she mumbles, teeth chattering. Hardly. She sets down the tablet, cracking her knuckles and putting her hands on her hips. Me neither, Alex agrees, licking the spoon. Kara clenches her jaw, pushing forward. You will persevere. Now that Jack and Roger's relationship is settling for the long haul just as Jack turns 50, he seems to have reached something of a turning point, and appears to be doing better than he was. Mon-El gives a small smile and looks her up and down. It wasnt until Superman disagreed with one of his inventions that he devised his plan for world domination. I cant make that promise when it goes against something I believe in., I admire you for that. Kara takes off her glasses and allows her suit to materialize. You want to finish what we started, Kara whispers. Alex and Maggie are married with a child, yet you are forbidden to interact with her. And even in this darkness, his pupils dilate until his irises are completely black and she can only see herself in his gaze. That creatures power is to bring out the darkest thoughts in a Kryptonians mind in order to render them incapable of fighting back. I was the only one who was taking care of her and now that Im gone, Im afraid she could turn into Lex., Kara sighs, dropping her head in her hands. Lena, she gasps, overwhelmed with relief. You find so many interesting little places when you do so., Are you taking me to one of your interesting little places?, Of course. I need to be alone for a while, he says looking down, still thinking of Kara. She sniffs, looking up at her friend. I find it all very noble. You okay? He whispers. Im the one that inspired her to create this plan. Nia said while you guys were out you blanked Something about Mon-El?. And that is exactly what she hopes will happen with Lena. She knows about her. Is there a problem?. Mon-El I ruined her, Alex. She shakes her head and squeezes them shut, then laughs, frustrated. Today, our planet was briefly attacked by an outside source. Ive had a long day.. I mean, Lois has had to already have the baby, right? Youve been on worse dates, Kara reminds, making him smile. You know, I think youare worth it. So, how are you?, Alex sighs, looking down. Kara falls to the ground as Lena steps back, hands and knees on the floor. He straightens and removes his hand from her. With everyone around just five feet outside the door? Kara puts a hand on Alexs arm, leaning close to her. Kara changes out of her suit in front of her sister, slipping on a pair of jeans and a casual button up. Karas head snaps to the girl, watching as her eyes grow wide and her face falls. But it may take her some time. Yeah, she whispers, nodding. Kara looks up, recognizing her apartment. Kara has to squint at the machine, her eyes watering from the fumes and the sickly smell of dead alien. Anyone I care about will be vulnerable. I've written them from what I heard (and I'm French) so it could have some mistakes please tell me if you see som For all the Karamel shippers out there. I shouldve known a Luthor would know my true identity., Lex chuckles, steepling his fingers. But yesterday she tried to use that alien technology. Woah, Lena. What I would like to know is why you are hurting. Her eyes sparkled. And now she has it, but its not what she pictured. I hope theres some left for me, Alex says, dropping her keys and gun on the counter and walking over to the couch. You will never be betrayed again. Lena sucks in a deep breath, her finger tightening on the trigger. Now, we best be going and have you get settled in at my place. Are we really doing this? Kara asks. The t-shirt with holes at the hem hed tug while she slept. Because I have been studying you ever since you came to Earth in that pod. I wanted to check in on you. He nods, returning to his work and Kara lets out a sigh of relief. It will make it easier when you do speak with her in person since youve done it before. Lena and James lean on each other as they try to fall asleep, both of them failing. But just before she gets out of earshot, she glances over her shoulder with her lips curled. She meets him and he puts his fingers to his lips, ready for her questions. Still a part of them. Ah-ah, no touching. And dont worry. He looks up then, eyes watering. Her eyes are squeezed shut and she starts to raise her arms when her shoulder stops her. Evy ouvrit la porte, voyant son frre sursaut dans son lit. Why did I become that?, That was the question I asked myself when I first met you. Youll figure it out, both of you. Of course, he had spoken to her, told her about his relationship with Imra and his new life. Lena exhales, shaking her head as she stands from her desk. Kate saw Bruces lack of trust and chose to be better than him. He tugs her into the alley beside the restaurant, empty crates and a few employees smoking against the brick wall. Then help us get him now, Kara says quietly. But that didnt make it any easier. We have his location. If I had never given her my trust and she never gave me hers? I wish I was as hopeful as you, Kara. That time on the plane, when we were going to Kaznia. She had taken their friendship so seriously because she knew Lenas history, she knew Lenas past. Your articles get better and better. I thought I killed her, James. Let me just touch base with Alex and Ill head over.. She knows she should be self-conscious, but its Brainy. Maybe you can use this time for a break from superheroing. Kara nods, shrugging. She turns back to the alien, a smile now on her face. What? Karas eyes close as she draws in a hesitant breath. She had already hung up after he told her the location. I chose reporting., No experience. Karamel is the het ship between Kara Zor-El and Mon-El from the Supergirl fandom. Ive been trying, but not hard enough. She sucks in a deep breath, then nudges her sister. Her pajamas sit neatly on the floor beside her, folded and waiting. Please consider turning it on! I can feel it in my head. Not this time. She sighs when shes at a comfortable distance, then makes her way out onto the balcony. He can manipulate anything he chooses. Of a run down heap of wood planks stacked together stops as quickly as she stands above.. She still uses it, his eyes, wincing attacked by an outside source, looking.! 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