Harlan Patterson will come to UW Tacoma after serving as vice provost for planning and budgeting at UW in Seattle from 1997-2006. Arizona State University's four campuses are located in the Salt River Valley on ancestral territories of Indigenous peoples, including the Akimel O'odham (Pima) and Pee Posh (Maricopa) Indian Communities . We pay respect and honor to the Nations and Peoples, as well as the land. Names of living Indigenous people from these communities. endobj Montana Campus Compact advances the public purposes of colleges and universities by deepening their ability to improve community life and to educate students for civic and social responsibility. is not a community server or discussion group where people can respond to members, Indigenous people are still here, and theyre thriving. Initiatives, Training, Scholarships & Awards, George M. Dennison Civic Engagement Scholarship, Segal AmeriCorps Education Award and Match, Centering Indigenous Knowledge Webinar Series. Land Acknowledgment for the Montana Natural History Center. Weve created this handy guide to Indigenous land acknowledgment based on our panelists responses. However, we ask that when offering a Land Acknowledgement, remember that these Acknowledgements must be preceded by relationships with living Indigenous people, communities, and nations. If space is a concern, this can be significantly shortened to: This work was performed in part at the Montana Nanotechnology Facility, an NNCI member supported by NSF Grant ECCS-2025391. Faculty members, staff and students . Acknowledgement is a simple way of resisting the erasure of Indigenous histories and working towards honoring and inviting the truth. FREE! We affirm and acknowledge the Burt Lake Band, who were literally burned from their houses in 1900. Our current membership includes Montana's two-year, four-year, public, private, tribal, and community colleges and universities, as well as a network office located in Missoula, hosted by the University of Montana. [This article was updated in July 2021 to capitalize the word "Indigenous". The Sli-Qlisp Cultural Committee created the following language, "The University of Montana acknowledges that we are in the aboriginal territories of the Salish and Kalispel people.Today, we honor the path they have always shown us in caring for this place for the generations to come." facility. Montana State UniversityP.O. Ask yourself, How am I leaving Indigenous people in a stronger, more empowered place because of this land acknowledgment? Focus on the positivity of who Indigenous people are today. Familiarizing ourselves with Indigenous natural history knowledge is one way we recognize and honor the original inhabitants of our local landscape. Build real, authentic relationships with Indigenous people. University Land Acknowledgment The University of Washington acknowledges the Coast Salish peoples of this land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands within the Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations. We recognize, support, and advocate for the sovereignty of Michigans twelve federally-recognized Indian nations, for historic Indigenous communities in Michigan, for Indigenous individuals and communities who live here now, and for those who were forcibly removed from their Homelands. We are a fully remote workplace. Montana Tech is led by innovators. The following guidelines are designed to assist with preparation and delivery of land acknowledgements. Research is conducted in partnership with some of the world's most respected entities, like the National Science Foundation and DEVCOM ARL laboratory. endstream We acknowledge that Michigan State University occupies the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary Lands of the Anishinaabeg the Three Fires Confederacy of Ojibwe, Odawa, and Potawatomi peoples. . We offer a B.A. Land Acknowledgment | Student Affairs and Campus Diversity | SDSU Student Affairs & Campus Diversity Diversity Resources Diversity Resources Land Acknowledgment Resources for Students Who are Parents Diversity Statistics Resources in Response to Incidents of Racial Violence Land Acknowledgment What is a Land Acknowledgment? Visit our resources page for more helpful land acknowledgment tools! Please direct all mail to the following address: This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. endstream This land acknowledgment was written, translated, and recorded by Aspen Decker, an enrolled member of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (Tatyaqn, Qlisp & Sqls) and a reviver of her tribal language, Nslicn (Salish). Indigenous land acknowledgement. The Native Governance Center has published a guide for land acknowledgments. If youre presenting on behalf of your work in a certain field, highlight Indigenous people who currently work in that field. Instead of creating a new stand-alone curriculum (and %PDF-1.5 Montana Tech is home to nationally and regionally ranked programs in engineering, sciences, and health care. Staff contributions (above and beyond training) also require recognition and acknowledgment. to take courses that examine the cultural, political, social, intellectual, and economic We understand that there is an indelible relationship between the creation of Land Grant institutions, the simultaneous and ongoing expropriation of Indigenous Lands, and the governmentally-coordinated genocide against Indigenous peoples. the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI), which is supported T Sqsiip u scqom u sqelix stmtem u i se cscuuts u l sqlqelix nxlxiiltis t Suyapi. You'll have the opportunity to make lifelong connections, and learn the importance of work-life balance early on. But the university leaders who helped craft it in consultation with leaders from local Indigenous communities say it carries significant meaning for how the university recognizes the people whose homeland the campus occupies. Ye le u Tatayaqn siyuulexs u snyonuntn xl mipnunm u xixeyu, u xixeyu, u clcil, u tisulex, u skalulex. Acknowledgment is a simple, powerful way of showing respect. This acknowledgement demonstrates a commitment to beginning the process of working to dismantle the ongoing legacies of settler colonialism. After your request According to a map within the University archive, Anishinaabeg maintained an Indian Encampment south of the Red Cedar River when classes were first held at the University (then known as Michigan Agricultural College) on May 13, 1857. As Montana's land-grant institution, Montana State University is dedicated to providing high quality education in a broad range of subjects, from the technical to the liberal arts. Angela can connect you with Your representatives will get to know you, and your goals, and have a vested interest in helping you achieve them. endobj Land Acknowledgements are especially important in contemporary nation-states, like the US and Canada, in which the political structures are based on settler-colonialism and the expropriation of Lands from Indigenous peoples. Cultural institutions have an obligation to support ongoing education as well as accurate and responsible representation. Montana Tech is nestled along the Continental Divide, in the outdoor paradise of the Rocky Mountains, with plenty of surrounding public land to explore. (Blackfeet), Annishinabe (Chippewa/Ojibway), Annishinabe/Mtis (Little Shell Chippewa), In addition to normal employment and family obligations, Indigenous people are working to heal their traumas, learn their languages, and support their nations. Best example: Land acknowledgment example displayed by Duwamish Tribe and made by a local organization. The event featured the following talented panelists: Dr. Kate Beane (Flandreau Santee Dakota and Muskogee Creek), Mary Lyons (Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe), Rose Whipple (Isanti Dakota and Ho-Chunk), Rhiana Yazzie (Din), and Cantemaza (Neil) McKay (Spirit Lake Dakota). February 24, 2023. Through the Morrill Act of 1862, which established land grant universities in the United States, the federal government seized nearly 11 million acres of land from 250 sovereign tribal nations, with little or no compensation. Kevin Murray, Captain. CU Boulder's land . grades 4-8 curriculum, which helps students understand that computing skills are relevant Its merely a starting point. But land acknowledgment statements need to be more than just a statement, Cuch added. . In fulfilling its land-grant mission, the Bozeman campus provides educational opportunities to more than 16,800 students, ranging from associate degrees and . We collectively acknowledge the Niimiipuu (Nez Perce), Piikani (Blackfeet), Seli (Salish), and Agai-deka (Shoshone) peoples as original stewards. << /Filter /FlateDecode /S 66 /Length 101 >> ", "Makoce Ikikcupi, meaning Land Recovery, is a project of Reparative Justice on Dakota land in Minisota Makoce (Minnesota). Graduates receive a high-quality STEM education, and enjoy excellent career placement rates into in-demand fields. 12 0 obj eem xl Nseliscn l qe snyonuntn. For questions or comments contact the Ask Us Desk. To recognize the land is an expression of gratitude and appreciation to those whose territory you reside on, and . works best when it is as inclusive as possible as you engage in the creation of your Montana Campus Compact advances the public purposes of colleges and universities by deepening their ability to improve community life and to educate students for civic and social responsibility. Take a tour of the geology of Utah with geologist Bruce Baty! The importance of land acknowledgments for non-indigenous individuals and communities relies on the recognition of their relationship to the original inhabitants of a location and to the land. 2023 By offering this Land Acknowledgement, we affirm Indigenous sovereignty and will work to hold Michigan State University more accountable to the needs of American Indian and Indigenous peoples. Land acknowledgements are not land back. The University of Arizona hopes to incorporate the statement on university websites, email signatures and presentation slides. That means he is planning to travel to as many of the tribes displaced by Penn State's land grant as possible to ask for their input and try to form a relationship. (Donations appreciated.) The Graduate School is research-oriented, and a perfect fit for students who strive to become leaders through a master's or Ph.D. degree. The Morrill Act, which enabled the Land Grant system, was passed in the same year as both the Homestead Actgranting 160 acres to individual settlers who improved and farmed land in the Westand the largest mass hanging in the history of the United States, the state-sanctioned murder of thirty-eight Dakota. by the National Science Foundation (Grant# ECCS-2025391) . 11 0 obj The University resides on Land ceded in the 1819 Treaty of Saginaw. This land acknowledgment was written, translated, and recorded by Aspen Decker, an enrolled member of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (Tatayaqn, Qlispe & Sqlse) and a reviver of her tribal language, Nseliscn (Salish). Its a mixture of our blood, our past, our current, and our future. Some examples of ways to take action: Support Indigenous organizations by donating your time and/or money. Cornell University has a new land acknowledgment, stating that its Ithaca campus is located on the traditional homelands of the Gayogohn, also known as the Cayuga Nation. Dont sugarcoat the past. Tatyaqn sks tu lex u Nmesuletk u ne ep sxuymaqs u t upn e eslopncstqn spentc. Box 172320Bozeman, MT 59717-3440, Tel: (406) 994-4395Fax: (406) 994-7420Email:[emailprotected]Location: 2-155 Wilson Hall. Cemtupsm u l Tatayaqn xl ta e xuuy c sqelix siyuulexs t Suyapi. We need to share in Indigenous peoples discomfort. 8 0 obj He has now been told that, while the university statement is optional, his statement is unacceptable because it questions the indigenous land claim of the Coast Salish people. Welcome to the MSU Department of History and Philosophy! Just send, and you will be unsubscribed. Land acknowledgements should be read at the beginning of a gathering or meeting. Wearable Wild Animal Heads! This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under They should function as living celebrations of Indigenous communities. Our mission is to move from rhetoric to action, linking dialogue with praxis. Working Guidelines for Ethics & Equity in Presenting Dance & Performance. In response to this request, a Land Acknowledgement Task Force was established in Spring 2019. Starting somewhere is better than not trying at all. It can be a subtle way to recognize the history of colonialism and a need for change in settler colonial societies. as you navigate this significant effort. is processed, a confirmation email will be sent to you with further information. MONT is supported by the National Science Foundation through the National Nanotechnology Montana State University is on the ancestral lands of the Apsalooke [ ap-saw-loo-kay ], Tsstho'e [ sto-ey ], and Sli [ SAY-lish ] peoples. Today, we honor the path they have always shown us . Our mission is to move from rhetoric to action, linking dialogue with praxis. This Land Acknowledgement Statement could be given by any individual, preferably non-Native, at any presentation that includes USU faculty, staff, or students from any or several campuses. Use terms like genocide, ethnic cleansing, stolen land, and forced removal to reflect actions taken by colonizers. We also acknowledge the Mtis community who were forced from their community on Bootaaganini-minis (Drummond Island), when the border was drawn between the US and Canada. Our lessons use two novel approaches to computing -- storytelling using the Alice programming platform and physical computing with textiles that are embedded with She earned a graduate certificate in Native American Studies from Montana State University (2018) and a Bachelor of Science degree from . Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material Our admissions and financial aid representatives work to help you get the best STEM education at the most affordable price. Location: Montana Natural History Center Perhaps youve heard of the parasite Toxoplasma gondii (or toxo for short), sometimes called the mind-control parasite. It can infect [], Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Birthday Parties at MNHC with Animal Wonders, ID Naturalist: Visiting Naturalist in the Schools, https://www.montananaturalist.org/wp-content/uploads/Salish-Audio.mp3, Make Wild Foraged Soup and Tea with Wild Wanders Missoula (Waitlist Only), New Naturalist Field Station Kelsi Turner Tjernagel: The Write Place, Saturday Kids Activity: Spring into Nature. It recognizes, respects, and affirms that there is an irreducible and ongoing relationship between Indigenous people and the Land. We collectively understand that offering Land Acknowledgements or Land Recognitions do not absolve settler-colonial privilege or diminish colonial structures of violence, at either the individual or institutional level. Location: Meet at the Montana Natural History Center, where we will get on the bus to drive to Freezout Lake. A Workshop in Two Parts with Jennifer Ogden, Naturalist Field Day: Snow Geese Migration at Freezout Lake, Field Notes Writing Workshop, 6-Part Class, Yellowstones Wolves and the Mind-Control Parasite, Needle Ice: A Freeze-Frame Of Capillary Action. that computing is difficult, these novel approaches enable more broad access to computer By recognizing the ways that settler-colonial institutions benefit from these interconnected histories, we work to hold the University accountable. Tennison Big Day - Student at Montana State University and member of the Crow Tribe. This is [], Date: Monthly, on the first Monday of the month Time: 6:30 p.m. Location/Platform: Virtual Zoom Classroom The only thing better than reading a fascinating natural history book (and there are [], Date: Monthly, on the second Tuesday of the month Time: 6:30 p.m. Location/Platform: Virtual Zoom Classroom The only thing better than reading a fascinating natural history book (and there are [], Morning: March 16, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Evening: March 21, 2023 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Location: Greenough Park Cost:$5 MNHC members/$10 non-members. The event featured the following talented panelists: Dr. Kate Beane (Flandreau Santee Dakota and Muskogee Creek), Mary Lyons (Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe), Rose Whipple (Isanti Dakota and Ho-Chunk), Rhiana Yazzie (Din), and Cantemaza . Through a research practice partnership, this project is working directly with the Starting out with good intentions and a good heart is what matters most.. Commit to returning land. Yetxasqt stem u i sic scqyqyi u yonuntx? The Montana Natural History Center is dedicated to the recognition of the first peoples of Missoula and the integration of Salish language, culture, and Indigenous knowledge. Local Contexts is an initiative that supports Indigenous and local communities to manage their intellectual and cultural property, cultural heritage, environmental data, and genetic resources within digital environments. Land acknowledgments that come from Indigenous people vs. non-Indigenous people look different, too. Are you planning to do a Land Acknowledgement? State Parks - Guest lecture - Loren . be subscribed with the email that is set as the default in your email program. Land acknowledgements also raise awareness about the Indigenous histories, perspectives and experiences that are often suppressed or forgotten." ). The Makoce Ikikcupi project seeks to bring some of our relatives home, re-establish our spiritual and physical relationship with our homeland, and ensure the ongoing existence of our People. Disclaimer: This resource has been developed to support the identification of components that contribute to an effective Land Acknowledgement and that can initiate steps towards meaningful and equitable relationship building with Indigenous Peoples and communities. in this resource list. In American Indian and Indigenous Studies, we recognize, support, and advocate for the sovereignty of Michigans twelve federally-recognized Indian nations (Bay Mills Indian Community, Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, Hannahville Indian Community, Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, Little River Band of Ottawa Indians, Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians, Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi, Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians, Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe, and Sault Ste. This declaration must then be followed with ongoing commitments to these same communities. but only for periodic announcements and information coming from the Storytelling project. The Career Services Office will help keep you grounded with an eye on the future, with plenty of summer internship and employment opportunities. The l and acknowledgment statements can be shared at any internal or external presentation, course or ceremony that includes USU faculty, staff or students. The first Europeans to arrive here borrowed and modified this word, and the name Missoula was born. The San Jos State University community recognizes that the present-day Muwekma Ohlone Tribe, with an enrolled Bureau of Indian Affairs documented membership of over 550, is comprised of all of the known surviving American Indian lineages aboriginal to the San Francisco Bay region who trace their ancestry through the Missions Santa Clara, San . Above and beyond training ) also require recognition and acknowledgment mail to the following guidelines designed. We recognize and honor the original inhabitants of our blood, our current, and perfect... Burt Lake Band, who were literally burned from their houses in.. Arrive here borrowed and modified this word, and the land quot ; ) Tacoma serving... 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