For session details, click on the session below. Shooting, passing, stick-handling, and use of hockey pucks/balls anywhere other than the skating surface during approved sessions is not allowed. Parties: For birthdays and other celebrations, rent the party room and bring the gang to skate. Enjoy hit music while you skate, or watch skaters zoom by from the comfort of the viewing area. Your patience is appreciated. Stick Time + Pick-up Hockey + Curling: More sessions equals more savings. The US Consumer Product Safety Commissionrecommends that ice skaters use hockey, bicycle, ski or skateboard helmets. Skaters may not enter the rink until staff allows re-entry. Advance in your skating skills as we continue to learn proper technique for turns, edgework and crossovers. See current offerings. Please check in upon arrival. Not available on select days. (541) 388-1133, [custom-facebook-feed id='thepavilioninbend'], {"autoplay":"true","autoplay_speed":"3000","speed":"300","arrows":"true","dots":"true","rtl":"false"}. Learn to Skate Adult Level 1/2 | Ages 16 & up. Whether youre looking to hit the ice with your family or develop your skating skills with lessons, The Pavilion has something for everyone. Sticks and pucks and ice skating maneuvers that would endanger others are not allowed. Food & Drinks: With rental, you are welcome to bring outside food or order from The Pavilion Cafe. LACE PULLERS: $3 Rental equipment is not included. Open Skate: All ages The Ice Season: The Pavilion is the best place to slide, glide, twirl and curl together. Email Practices will be held on Mondays afternoons and games will be on Saturday mornings. Space is limited, so register your team early! $5 PARENT-TOT SKATE & PLAY: All children must be accompanied by parent/guardian. Adult hockey league games - Deschutes DivisionPLAYOFFS, Adult hockey league games - Deschutes Division PLAYOFFS, Click below to register for:Adult A/B Pick Up Hockey - Goalie (Wed: 3/1 @ 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM), Click below to register for:*ALMOST FULL* Adult A/B Pick Up Hockey (Wed: 3/1 @ 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM). Monday-Thursday, 10:00am-1:00pm Friday-Sunday, 10:00am - 12:30pm NOTE: Ice surface is not groomed during free skate hours, and may be closed if there is snow or ice conditions pose a safety risk. If you would enjoy working behind-the-scenes in BPRDs beautiful parks, wed love to meet you! On Tuesdays, we will have free instructor supported Parent-Tot Open Skates from 10 11:15 a.m. where we will offer helpful advice and answer questions. Open Skate for families. Parties are not available during Holiday Skate due to high facility use. Roller Skating in Bend on PIRATES BOOTY POPCORN: $.75 Ice season: Guests are not allowed to walk with skates on areas not covered with rubber matting unless they are wearing blade guards. These sessions may occasionally include large groups such as schools. Basic gear is required including stick, helmet, gloves, elbow pads, shin pads and hockey pants. Sessions are calculated per household. Spectating is available in the viewing room or outdoors. Single Visit Fees:Adult: $12 / session | Older Adult: $11 / session | Youth: $10 / session. Family Ice Season Pass Special $555 for 3+ household members: Available via phone or in-person. Partner Ice Season Pass Discount: Save 10% off ice season passes when two people in the same household purchase a pass at the same time. Sponsored byKrueger & Lenox Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Check schedules for times. If you have multiple people purchasing any Specialized Ice Times in your household, those purchases will be added together. Our Learn to Play program is designed to introduce players with no or very little experience (zero to one year) playing hockey to the sport of ice hockey. Looking for more hockey in your mid-day schedule? Everyone is welcome because teams are comprised of a wide range of skill levels. With the disco ball spinning, enjoy a live DJ for the best of beats, the option to skate or dance, fire pits, drag queens and more. No refunds or credits will be issued when your notification is less than one hour prior to the start of the session or if you should you miss a session without cancelling. Skating parties are available. *Older adult ages: BPRD is annually adjusting the qualifying age for older adult fees so that currently qualifying patrons continue to be included. Spectating is available in the viewing room or outdoors. Schedule:Check the Pavilionschedulefor days and times. For intermediate and advanced skaters only. The Oregon Health Authority says it's OK to resume bowling and roller-skating in the handful of counties where that hadn't been allowed previously. Skaters shall be alert to other skaters at all timesand yield to slower skaters. Learn more. Young skaters grab a parent, a relative or another adult in your life and come learn to skate together! The event features four-team round-robin pool play to determine standings followed by an eight-team championship tournament Friday and Saturday. Skate assists and helmets are available to borrow. Parent-tot: $6/person including skate rental. Click below to register for:*WAITLIST* Learn to Play Hockey: Level 2, Adult hockey league games - Cascade Division PLAYOFFS, Adult hockey league games - Cascade DivisionPLAYOFFS, Click below to register for:Adult Stick Time - Goalie (Thu: 3/2 @ 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM), Click below to register for:Adult Stick Time (Thu: 3/2 @ 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM), Click below to register for:*FULL* Adult Curling Time (Fri: 3/3 @ 9:00 - 11:00 AM), Click below to register for:Learn to Curl (Fri: 3/3 @ 9:00 - 11:00 AM), Click below to register for:Youth Stick Time (Fri: 3/3 @ 4:30 - 5:30 PM), Click below to register for:Freestyle (Sat: 3/4 @ 12:30 - 1:30 PM), Click below to register for:Adult Pick Up Hockey - Goalie (Sun: 3/5 @ 6:30 - 7:45 AM), Click below to register for:Adult Pick Up Hockey (Sun: 3/5 @ 6:30 - 7:45 AM), Click below to register for:Adult Women's Pick up - Goalie (Sun: 3/5 @ 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM), Click below to register for:Adult Women's Pick up (Sun: 3/5 @ 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM), Click below to register for:Adult C/D Pick up Hockey - Goalie (Mon: 3/6 @ 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM), Click below to register for:Adult C/D Pick up Hockey (Mon: 3/6 @ 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM), Click below to register for:Adult Stick Time (Tue: 3/7 @ 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM), Click below to register for:Adult Stick Time - Goalie (Tue: 3/7 @ 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM), Adult hockey league games - Deschutes Division SEMI-FINALS, Click below to register for:Adult A/B Pick up Hockey - Goalie (Wed: 3/8 @ 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM), Click below to register for:Adult A/B Pick up Hockey (Wed: 3/8 @ 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM), Adult hockey league games - Cascade Division SEMI-FINALS, Click below to register for:Adult Stick Time - Goalie (Thu: 3/9 @ 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM), Click below to register for:Adult Stick Time (Thu: 3/9 @ 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM), Adult hockey league games - Bachelor Division PLAYOFFS, Adult hockey league games - Caldera Division PLAYOFFS, Click below to register for:Learn to Curl (Fri: 3/10 @ 9:00 - 11:00 AM), Click below to register for:Youth Stick Time (Fri: 3/10 @ 4:30 - 5:30 PM), Click below to register for:Freestyle (Sat: 3/11 @ 12:30 - 1:30 PM), Click below to register for:Adult Pick up Hockey - Goalie (Sun: 3/12 @ 6:45 - 8:00 AM), Click below to register for:Adult Pick up Hockey (Sun: 3/12 @ 6:45 - 8:00 AM), Click below to register for:Adult C/D Pick up Hockey (Mon: 3/13 @ 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM), Click below to register for:Adult C/D Pick up Hockey - Goalie (Mon: 3/13 @ 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM), Click below to register for:Adult Pick Up Hockey - Goalie (Mon: 3/13 @ 6:15 - 7:30 PM), Click below to register for:Adult Pick Up Hockey (Mon: 3/13 @ 6:15 - 7:30 PM), Adult hockey league games - Alpine Division CHAMPIONSHIPTONIGHT'S GAMETBD vs. TBD, Click below to register for:Adult Stick Time (Tue: 3/14 @ 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM), Click below to register for:Adult Stick Time - Goalie (Tue: 3/14 @ 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM), Click below to register for:Adult A/B Pick up Hockey (Wed: 3/15 @ 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM), Click below to register for:Adult A/B Pick up Hockey - Goalie (Wed: 3/15 @ 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM), Adult hockey league games - Cascade Division CHAMPIONSHIP, Click below to register for:Adult Stick Time (Thu: 3/16 @ 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM), Click below to register for:Adult Stick Time - Goalie (Thu: 3/16 @ 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM), Click below to register for:Youth Stick Time (Fri: 3/17 @ 4:30 - 5:30 PM). Ice season: Skaters and spectators are not allowed in designated Zamboni travel area. All equipment is provided., Get your fifth session for free!After four paid sessions, you are eligible to receive a free session. Figure or hockey skates available. Skaters are not allowed to sit on or climb over thedasher boards. Regular fees apply. New this year: On Tuesday mornings, we will have free instructor supported Parent-Tot Open Skates from 10:00 11:15 a.m. where we will offer helpful advice and answer questions. Please call if you have any questions or need more information (541) 389-7588. Have more questions? Click below to register for:*ALMOST FULL* Wally Cup 2023 -- A/B Goalies, Click below to register for:*WAITLIST* Wally Cup 2023 -- C/D Players, Click below to register for:*WAITLIST* Wally Cup 2023 -- C/D Goalies, Click below to register for:*WAITLIST* Wally Cup 2023 -- A/B Players. These sessions may occasionally include large groups such as schools. Spectators welcome for free! Sunday 12pm-7pm. Continue your progression of hockey to the next level. 8U - Saturdays 9 -9:45 a.m. (games); Mondays 3:45 - 4:45 p.m. (practices)11U - Saturdays 9:45 - 10:30 a.m. (games); Mondays 5 - 6 p.m. (practices)14U - Saturdays 10:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (games); Mondays 6:15 - 7:15 p.m. (practices), Click below to register for:*ALMOST FULL* Youth Hockey League 8 and Under, Click below to register for:*WAITLIST* Youth Hockey League 11 and Under, Click below to register for:Youth Hockey League 14 and Under. Maximum party room occupancy is 25 people. No sitting, lying or resting on rink. We are the First US K1 Franchise! Open skate and activities for toddler and preschool-age children. Games are played once a week and all equipment is provided. Pick-up games and scrimmages are not allowed during Stick Time. Let's get together and improve hockey skills! Drop-ins are welcome if space permits. How about skate assists? Ice Skating Special Rate Sessions: Come skating for a great price! Registration for the 2023 tournament opens at 8:00 a.m. on Feb. 1. Saturday 9am-7pm. Each day is different as you get to choose what you want to do! See current offerings. Roller Skating Rink in West Bend Opening at 6:30 PM tomorrow Get Quote Updates Schools Out Skate Apr 2, 2021 - Apr 2, 2021 West Bend schools has their spring break next week and we will be open from 4-6 for public skating. We are working to resolve the issue. Not available on select days. Click on a inline skating trail below to find trail descriptions, trail maps, photos, and reviews. Large Groups 10 or more: School groups and other large groups are welcome at The Pavilion and discounts are available. Games are played on Sunday afternoons and evenings for a seven-game season. Some prior experience is highly recommended before signing up for this league such as the Learn to Play program. If you have one, please bring your own helmet. Click below to register for:Adult Roller Hockey Skills and Drills (Mon: 4/24 @ 5:30 - 6:30 PM). Snowball throwing and fights are not allowed. Skate assists and helmets are available to borrow. See the Fees section for pricing and passes. Find the top rated inline skating trails in Oregon, whether you're looking for an easy short inline skating trail or a long inline skating trail, you'll find what you're looking for. Check schedules for times. Please call (541) 389-7665 or (541) 388-1133 for customer service, to be transferred and other needs. Purchase four sessions, get your fifth session for free! Share your time with your community. All children must be accompanied by parent/guardian. All classes and programs are under normal operations. Figure or hockey skates available or bring your own. Sharpen Your Skating Skills | Ages: 16 & up. The Pavilion skatepark features are not available during ice season. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Hockey Level 1. Roller skates (size youth 7 adult 14 mens, with limited sizing in adult 10 12). Where do we put on our skates and/or spectate? Central Oregon's ONLY dedicated Indoor Kart Racing Facility! Figure skates available or bring your own. Curling League is very popular and space is limited, so register early. Click below to register for:*FULL* Adult Pick Up Hockey (Sun: 2/26 @ 6:45 - 8:00 AM), Click below to register for:*ALMOST FULL* Adult Pick up Hockey - Goalie (Sun: 2/26 @ 6:45 - 8:00 AM), Click below to register for:Women's Pick up Hockey - Goalie (Sun: 2/26 @ 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM), Click below to register for:Women's Pick up Hockey (Sun: 2/26 @ 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM). Teams enjoy our beautiful ice rink while playing twelve regular season games. Filter Listings For Your Trip For additional information on ice-skating rink hours and conditions, please call (541) 977-7841. Learn how to use your blade to get the most out of your stroke and turns. Ice Skating Party including skate rentals: Call(541) 389-7588or stop by the front desk at The Pavilion to reserve your party. These sessions are designed to develop the fundamentals of the game, hone in on particular skills, promote physical fitness and above all else have fun. Krueger & Lenox Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Juniper Swim and Fitness Center Class Schedules, Larkspur Community Center Class Schedules, Drones & Remote Controlled Devices in Parks, Program Cancellation Credit/Refund Policy and Privacy Policy, Advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), recommends that ice skaters use hockey, bicycle, ski or skateboard helmets,, *WAITLIST* Adult Hockey Skills and Drills, *WAITLIST* Youth Hockey League 11 and Under, *ALMOST FULL* Adult Pick up Hockey - Goalie, *ALMOST FULL* Adult C/D Pick Up Hockey - Goalie, *ALMOST FULL* Wally Cup 2023 -- A/B Goalies. Registration opens Feb 1, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. and spaces fill very quickly. The Lava City Roller Dollsare a group of women ages 18 to 44 who compete in roller derby competitions inspired by the popular sport of the 1970s. Drop-in:If space available. Skate rental: $1/person. sports, and family activities! Special open skate sessions on Tuesday nights. Skating parties are available. A new paddock lounge, During inclement weather, check back regularly for cancellations/closures before attending a session. We recommend skaters join Bend Ice Figure Skating Club (for skaters Level 4 and above) to continue with progressive lessons. See current offerings. Freestyle is a practice session designed for intermediate and advanced figure skaters to take advantage of the full ice surface to work on edgework, jumps, spins and choreography. Professional race memorabilia AND a NEW Virtual Reality Suite!! BPRD Fitness & Swim monthly and annual passholders receive $3.00 discount on Open Skate sessions. Sessions are calculated per ice season (November - April) and don't roll over to next season. Open skate for families. PRETZEL: $3, with cheese $4 Let's get together, learn something new and play roller hockey! Open skate rules apply. Spectating is outdoors so dress for the weather. We also have ice season passes available. If you have one, please bring your own helmet. Roller Skating Day OPEN SKATE Time CLICK FOR OPEN SKATE TIMES! Rental gear is available for $50.00 ID $60.00 OD. 1001 SW Bradbury Way Bend OR 97702. Tie breakers: 1) Head to Head, 2) Goals for, 3) Goals against, 4) Goal Differential. We offer instructional-level classes, skill-building sessions, competitive and non-competitive league play. Practice balance, edgework and advance in your technique through skills and drills. Separate adult and youth sessions provided. Your patience is appreciated. Its a fun, fast-paced week of hockey! Cancellations:If you need to cancel your registration, refunds or credits are granted if younotify BPRD Customer Servicevia phone one hour or more priorto the beginning of the session. SKATE SHARPENING: $8 (New/unsharpened skate sharpening is $15) Open to curlers of all experience (or inexperience) levels, our leagues give players the chance to learn and hone their skills. Click below to register for:*WAITLIST* Learn to Play Hockey: Level 1. A new paddock lounge, Professional race . Bonus! ZERO Emission karts imported from Italy. Helmet, stick and gloves required. Subscriptions, A Beginners Guide to Rockhounding in Central Oregon, The Petersons Find Success with Two Bend Art Galleries , Weekly Events & News (Up-to-Date Happenings Around Central Oregon), The Explorer (Adventuring around Central Oregon), The Spotlight (Central Oregon Culture & Heritage), Sign up for the Below Bend Magazine Newsletters, Weekly Events and News (Up-to-Date Happenings Around Central Oregon), The Spotlight (Central Oregon Culture and Heritage), 22 Reasons to Visit Ashlands Oregon Shakespeare Festival Before the End of 22, Where to Find the Real Haunted Houses of Bend, The Octothorpe House Brings Modern Design from Mork-Ulnes Architects to Bend, Oregon, Bend Barbershops Combine Tradition with Modern Practices, 15 Indoor Activities to Beat the Winter Blues in Bend, Eagle Crest Resort offers Residents Views and Value, Angelina Swanson of Bends aos Skincare Company. Learn a new sport or develop your skills in Ice Hockey, Figure Skating or Curling with classes designed for every ability and skill level. Youth: $10 / session. For standings and other information, visit, Adult hockey league games - Caldera Division. Recreational roller skating for all ages and abilities. We have traditional roller skates (quads) and roller blades (inline skates) available for rent at The Pavilion. April through September, The Pavilion skatepark features are included during Open Skate, Parent-Tot Skate & Play and Sunday Family Skate times. They have some multi-impact capability and more coverage in the rear than a bike helmet. We will consider teammate requests of one player, but requests are not guaranteed. All necessary equipment is provided. Are the lobby and viewing room open? Learn more. All equipment is provided., Get your fifth session for free!After four paid sessions, you are eligible to receive a free session. 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